Money-Back Policy



    In addition to refund rights available under applicable laws, you are eligible to receive a refund if you are not satisfied with the quality of our application and all of the following conditions are met:

    - you contact us within 30 days after your initial purchase; and

    - you are able to demonstrate that quality of scanning or OCR function does not meet the high standard of our application pursuant to the requirements stated below in Section “How to demonstrate that quality of scan or OCR is inappropriate”.

    We will review your application and notify you (by email) whether your application is approved. If the application is approved, your refund will be processed, and a credit will be automatically applied to your credit card or original method of payment.

    How to demonstrate that quality of scanning or OCR function is inappropriate

    We guarantee that the quality of scanning or OCR function in our app will not be lower or worse than quality of the below scan and OCR document made by our app (the “Reference”):



    Reference 1

    OCR .pdf file


    Reference 2

    OCR doc. File


    Reference 3

    You can demonstrate that quality of scanning or OCR function is lower than declared if you send us at least 3 examples of unsatisfactory results of any of these functions each of lower quality than the Reference, provided that:

    - such scans are made at daylight or under sufficient lightning;

    - for OCR function, use the printed document at right angles;

    - A photo of the document should be taken against a contrasting background.

    - A photo of the document should be taken against a contrasting background.


    Please note that only fulfillment of the above requirements allows you to receive a refund under the Money-back Guarantee. For the sake of clarity, this Money-back Guarantee does not apply to any other instances, including, but not limited to, the following cases:

    • you think that you do not need a scanner anymore and you won’t use it;
    • you have made a purchase by accident;
    • you have previously received a refund under this policy.

    Generally, if you do not meet the conditions of our Money-back Guarantee set out above, the fees you have paid are non-refundable and/or non-exchangeable, unless otherwise is stated herein or is required by applicable law.

    Note for the EU residents: If you are an EU resident, you have the right to withdraw from agreement for purchase of digital content without charge and without giving any reason within fourteen (14) days from the date of such agreement conclusion. The withdrawal right does not apply if the performance of the agreement has begun with your prior express consent and your acknowledgment that you thereby lose your right of withdrawal. YOU HEREBY EXPRESSLY CONSENT TO THE IMMEDIATE PERFORMANCE OF THE AGREEMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGE THAT YOU WILL LOSE YOUR RIGHT OF WITHDRAWAL FROM THE AGREEMENT ONCE OUR SERVERS VALIDATE YOUR PURCHASE AND THE APPLICABLE PURCHASE IS SUCCESSFULLY DELIVERED TO YOU. Therefore, you will not be eligible for a refund, unless the digital content is defective.

Last updated: 06 October 2020